Saturday, April 3, 2010

A new month shorter time frame to get things done

As my title says new month shorter time frame to get things done, at first i was mad at the same time kinda confused on where to start .I had to relax and sort through evenly to see which 5 of the 9 projects we could choose from, from there i picked out the places or things i would need to photography for the projects. It took a sec to brainstorm what i was trying to do . As soon as i was done with that I set the tasks that i would need to do over a 4 day weekend so I would be ahead of the power curb on the next tues.. Seeing that atleast 1 of the 5 projects were due and we have a quiz the same day not to mention we have to show 3 special effects in photoshop this month.

Let me just stop ranting and raving .

What i really want to put here is before i started in college I've noticed that I've gotten better at planning my time wisely at the task at hand . It makes things much easier .

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Past

Today I was talking to a fellow classmate and we were talking about our projects. Well when we looked at her site she had a bio on her website. It got me to think about that I wondered how many people put bios then I noticed a few other people had bios to . I don't know I have a bio i can write down but most of my past includes the military and sometimes i feel like bragging, so I don't talk about it. I hate the feeling I know people don't have to say it but that's what I've done for the last 9yrs .

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Another Day

Another Day:

So I've been doing blogs on my process in class for the last month, but really I don't know what to talk about. ?.

OK here i got something for you for the last two weeks I've been working with tables in my tutorials , there long, boring ,unorganized,and the worst wording.Hey but it's cool because I finished them all in time. I just feel like getting everything about those tutorials out of my system, at the same time I want to talk about what I did pick up from doing the tutorials.

Yes : I learned a few things about tables and I believe the things I learned will be useful in the future but not as much as the things I've learned.

While I've been working on my project on Basic Digital photography , I have been learning a bit about angles and how to get a great backgrounds for pictures I take. The reason i choose photography is mostly because I'm starting to get in to taking pictures of stuff around me . I feel if i don't photograph it I will miss it.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Digital Photography

So here we are again I just got done choosing my next project material for my next website Digital Photography. The reason I choose this is because I don't know why but when I take pictures sometimes i really get into it almost like I get a lot of enjoyment out of it. So I choose this field because I would like to learn more about photography .

Hopefully I learn enough to give me enough insight into photography that it helps me in the future. I like making websites more, but I hope I learn enough so I can incorporate photos of my own into the websites I make in the future. I don't want to be known for my photos just that I want my photos to bring more to the web pages.

Me personally I plan on doing enough research on photography as well as using personal photo's that i will take from using some of the techniques I will learn during my own research. As I do this project I will stay positive and motivated the whole time so I can produce a great website.

Learning something new

So this month I started learning to use tables in html I don't know but it seems harder to use tables then using div cont., but that's probably why we switched to div cont..

In the process of learning new things it isn't a bad thing and like Mr. Williams says we need to get more into what were learning because its all we have to make it in this field. He's right and I acknowledge that this is what's gonna make or break me in the business field.

Then again I have been in the same situation before but it was me getting out of the army and that's why I choose to go to college so I wouldn't have a hard time finding a job, but I guess I should of known better even though I still have at least another year of gen ed classes after I'm done with 2-4 months of core classes left.

Which is fine by me, me personally I'm not in a real hurry to be done yet I like coming to school because everyday I go home I ether feel like I accomplished something, or that I really need to put some effort the next day.

As I get started on my next project I look forward to a new weekend ,but then I look and see that next week is going to be long and tiresome. Then again what did I think this was gonna be easy lol.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Future Client

<h1>Future Client<h1>

Today I had my first encounter with a future client, but I guess I should start from the beginning. I have a project due this Friday and the project is to make a 3-5 website on a local landmark or place and I choose a golf course that I wouldn't call connections just that I know the manager and most of the main people who work there. Well I talked to the manager about my project and I also threw ideas for his actual web page that the golf course has already. After throwing him the ideas and asking if he was interested in me doing a mock-up website for him in the future he told me it wouldn't be a bad idea, but he told me that the city designed the web page but I could get in contact with the person that made it and could ask him/her if I could do it. Most likely if I was able to do a new site for the city it would put my name out there more then just doing a local business . If I could just help in the process of making a new site would open alot of doors for me, seeing that just being able to put my name and copyright on a city site is a huge endorsement.

So now I have a project that could me alot more to me then just a school project but a huge door opening for me .I hope I am bringing something to the table that is worth wild.

Not to mention this is connected to my last blog in a way on how to get hired and by getting your name out there.

Monday, January 11, 2010

selling yourself

<b>What's a Good way</b>

So I'll start this off with how do people do it just sell there talents to the highest bidder if there good enough at what they do? Is it as easy as some people think or does it just get easier as you go.

I know there are plenty of ways to do it so im just gonna go ahead and make a list for u hoping u need this more then me:

  • Talk to people (your name is valueable and once they know what u do they
    might want to work that to there advantage and might know people).

  • Put up for every job you can until u land something solid and what u wanted.

  • If those two don't work try some pro-bono work for some non-profitable
    organistations, churches, and places in your community .